Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I cut my wife's hair

Yes, it's true but how did this happen?

Last night my wife was complaining about how she had cancelled 4 hair appointments because with 4 kids and working part time, something always came up.  So in what I will now call a bizarre moment, she said, do you want to cut my hair for me.  With little thought I said "SURE"

now, the preamble to all this is I cut my kids hair and for someone not professionally trained, I do an OK job and with 4 boys, that saves me a lot of money.  I even trim my own hair from time to time.  Yes, I know, there is a big difference between cutting little boys hair and my wifes beautiful long curly hair.

Back to the story, I asked Liz how much she wanted cut off.  About an inch and a half.  Great, that should be no problem.   So i start cutting and feeling OK about the whole thing.  I finish.  Liz looks a the pile of hair on the ground and says you cut off a lot. She proceeds to pick up a few strands and while most of them are about an inch and a half, there are a few that are closer to 3 inches.  I start to sweat!  She starts to sweat.  She says my hair is wet.  When it dries, it curls up and will be much shorter.  I start to panic.  What have I done!!!

The next day, Liz makes a hair appointment to fix the fiasco I created.  She hates her hair and will not cut it for a long time.

What did I learn from this experience?
  • Yes, the obvious is never cut your wife's hair, even if she asks.  You can't win no matter what!
  • I truly love my wife . . . until she brings this up at our next fight to make me feel guilty
  • I think she truly loves me.  If out marriage survives this, then we should be able to survive anything!

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you didn't know curly hair shrinks when dry, dude. And you're right. This post wasn't from 2007. Your actions did get her into the salon to have some "me" time. So it's all good.
