Monday, February 8, 2010

Brandon's poop story

OK, I'm sure every parent has a good poop story.  You would think with 4 boys, I would have lots but the truth is I don't . . . until this weekend.  Yes, you probably guessed it . . . Little Brandon was quite the story maker this weekend!

So Saturday morning was the usual routine as Robbie had a soccer game and when we got back, I could tell Liz needed a little break as Brandon is really, really, really busy these days.  Out of our 4 kids, he is the busiest of all.  We never had to childproof for any of our other kids like we do for Brandon.  He is curious and into everything.

So when I got home, Liz went upstairs to do whatever and mother does with 4 kids - clean, laundry, sleep, shower, poop, scream - whatever.  Doesn't matter.  I had the responsibility of watching Brandon and some of the other kids which is not a big deal because we do it everyday.  Well, suffice it to say, I was distracted (which is normal in my house) and Brandon was quiet (which is abnormal in my house) so I immediately got suspicious and went looking for the little bugger.

I found him in the bathroom playing.  He was playing dip the toilet paper in the toilet bowl of brothers pee and throwing it on the floor.  Arghhhhhhh!  I carried him upstairs (carefully) yelling at the other boys to stay away from the bathroom, give a lesson on how to flush after peeing and institute a new rule in the house . . . bathroom doors stay closed!!!  This is the mild event.

Later that evening, Liz's parent came over to watch Brandon while we took the other three boys to the Golden Bears Hockey game.  Liz was getting ready with Jason and Connor.  I was downstairs with Brandon, Robbie and the grandparents.  Count the adults . . . that's 3 adults with 2 children (But Robbie's easy so it's really only one child or should I say terror).

I'm talking to the grandparents when once again things are too quiet.  Oh my **!@ , Brandon has done it again but this time in a different bathroom.  This time Robbie took a poop and did not flush.  Brandon decided to play dip the toilet paper again but this time he thought he would take the toilet bowl cleaner and stir it around and paint the walls with poopy water and mushed up toilet paper.

Up he went while I yelled at Robbie about flushing the toilet and keeping the bathroom door closed and I yelled at the other boys to stay away from me and the mess unless they wanted to eat poop.  I ripped off Brandon's clothes and get him into the shower talking to him about how this in unacceptable behavior and the bathroom is off limits and how this is really disgusting and he will never find a woman to marry if he keeps this up and that he is destined to be alone for the rest of his life.

At that moment of relentless squawking (that's me squawking), he looked at me with his round eyes silently saying "Dadddeeeeeee"  It wasn't the words that said the message, it was the look that said "What's wrong dad?  Do you need a hug? I love you!"  And he gave me a hug in the shower.

I know this poop story has been experienced by many.  Kids are kids - frustrating, a lot of work at times but yet so innocent, loving and perfect.  I love you too Brandon!

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