Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How much of your future comes from destiny?

I just had a short conversation with my friend Kim Kelley and she always makes me think.  We talked about luck and destiny and how much of that impacted our past, present and future.

I've thought about this lots in my life and I am a real believer that although destiny and luck have a place in this world, we cannot rely on them to determine our fate.  I believe that we have the power and ability to create our destiny and future.  I think destiny and luck can often be an excuse for laziness.  I believe hard work creates good luck and I want my kids to know that success, happiness, relationships, money and everything comes from what you give.  There is no substitution for effort, participation, engagement, discipline, motivation and awareness.  I think part of this message is captured in the Nike Commercial Force Fate.

Now, I am not so naive to think that destiny and luck don't have a place in this world.  I've said to Liz many times that she has given me more belief in destiny and fate than ever.  I am truly thankful for that.  I know that I was lucky to be born in Canada instead of Ethiopia.  I know that I am lucky to have always had a roof over my head, food on the table and clothes to keep me warm.  Destiny and luck have a place but at the same time we are all born with some hurdles and deficiencies and some 'bad luck'.  Part of it is how you choose to deal with those circumstances.  It is your choice on how you deal with ALL circumstances.

We recently had a friend who got hit by a car.  She is alive but with broken bones and lots of bruises.  This is pretty bad luck but her husband says he is the luckiest man on earth and together they take steps to get through this 'unlucky' situation.  Their attitude is amazing.  Their choices are influenced by their attitudes.

We all make choices every single day.  Every choice you make shapes your life.  Is your choice influenced by destiny or luck?  Of are your choices consciously or unconsciously made?  What do you think about destiny?  How much of your life do you think is determined by destiny and how much is determined by the choices you make?

p.s.  Thanks to Kim for giving me something awesome to blog about.  Thanks to Liz for giving me faith in destiny.

1 comment:

  1. I also think a lot of success depends on someone's intelligence. There are many types of intelligence: math, language, music, relationships, kinesthetic, etc. You can develop your intelligence but for the most part a lot of our capacity is genetic ie. luck. What you choose to do with your intelligence is your call.

    p.s. Thanks to Liz for looking after my child so that I can do other purposeful things like commenting on Jim's blog ;P
